A Kaleidoscope for Cross-Platform Measurement

Does measuring ad exposure in silos distort your campaign results?

Download our report to explore the cross-platform kaleidoscope.

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Icon_Indigo_Explore attitudes and behaviors​


Uncover the degree of overlap across social media — and how that impacts ad exposure


See how even a Herculean effort to try to optimize data in silos can fail
Icon_Indigo_Every Outcome


Get actionable steps for uncovering the cross-platform kaleidoscope to regain confidence in your insights


Cross-platform measurement is foundational

Audiences don’t consume media in silos, so why do so many marketers settle for siloed campaign measurement? In fact, almost half of DISQO's panel members cross social media walls each week — and that overlap has serious consequences for marketers who can’t measure their entire campaign holistically.

Mutant impacts of measurement

The limits of siloed effectiveness reporting create contaminated datasets that warp marketers’ ability to run strategic campaigns. Your campaign lift reports can become mutants, leading your brand in the wrong direction. The solution? Go back to the classics, single-source measurement — we’ll show you how.