Access quality audience for a true measure of public opinion
100% directly consented consumers answering your political questions.
Download our report and learn how DISQO enables all types of political insights.
Explore use cases for political pollsters, campaigners, and advertisers.
Get quality audience data delivered into your unique workflows.

Fuel more accurate polls
Start with the highest quality audience. DISQO’s direct member relationships allow us to better validate our members and eliminate fraud at the source. Tap into our deeply profiled audience to run broad national polls with registered voters country-wide as well as more targeted studies based on someone’s political party or geographical location (at the state, district, or local level).
Power smarter campaign decisions
Race to results and leverage our self-service agile platform to get rapid feedback on your campaign, so you can adapt and optimize strategies in real time. Also, gain a competitive advantage by running targeted surveys to people based on digital behaviors, such as Independents who recently searched for environmentally friendly products online.